The main character has been living on an alien planet for as long as they can remember...

One hope remains for them to survive and possibly escape to freedom, away from loneliness and isolation. And you're the only one that can help. Are you up to the challenge?

This is a Survival RPG involving unique weather-based mechanics and a small fun story for you to enjoy! I worked on this project for 106 hours and 4500+ lines later, submitted it for this game jam, and I hope some of it shows!

If you are interested in the source code you can find it at

Thanks for playing!


Seasons of 29 MB
Download 30 MB

Install instructions

For the Windows zip file, extract the contents to a folder and then start up the game! Enjoy!

If you're inclined to build this project, I have linux build scripts. You can type ./sig build to build and play.


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I finally beat it!

Congratulations! Thanks for playing!


(2 edits)

The controls are so easy I promise they were intentionally left out haha. But if you're curious:

Movement can be done with WASD, Arrow Keys, or Numpad 8,4,2/1,6. Every other key acts as an "action key".

It's a one-button game!

I guess there are "touch controls" built-in too, in case you're into that. Not very good ones, but they're there just in case.