A downloadable game for Windows

Click to Play Hamster Planet!

Click to play Hamster Planet

Presented by sigonasr2 and Moros1138 for the olcCodeJam2024:

Run and roll through fun environments as you race against other hamsters to collect checkpoints in a frenzy.

Post-Jam Modifications (Original build remains just for completeness)

  • 26 Aug: Added steering control option. Added pausing functionality. Load time fixes for restarting the same level. Fix some timer display bugs. Fixed "PurpleRed" configuration typo/bug. Added highlighting of score on leaderboard. Fix Blue Hamster being unselectable. Absolutely unacceptable.
  • 28 Aug: Player name saves to brower's LocalStorage (for web leaderboard).
  • 9 Sep: Didn't realize when I uploaded the original game it had broken assets causing stages to be completely messed up. Original Windows version has been reuploaded with the correct assets. The actual game didn't need to be re-built or anything so the code remains untouched. Sorry!



As usual, javidx9 for the awesome olcPixelGameEngine, and Moros1138 for providing extra utility libraries and support for extra functionality in the game.

The following artists provided the music for the game in no particular order (From opengameart.org):

Jonathan So
Trevor Lentz

Tileset graphics from Chad Wolfe.

If interested in the game's source code, it is published online at https://github.com/sigonasr2/hamster.git!

Updated 20 days ago
Authorssigonasr2, Moros1138
Tags2D, Cute, Pixel Art


Hamster Planet - Winx64.zip 10 MB
Hamster Planet - Winx64-post-jam-fix.zip 9.4 MB


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Excellently polished and good fun as usual. The leaderboard is a nice touch. Please add an option for MicroMachines style controls - my brain just cant get used to screen relative racing lol